Savage Wolverine

Title: Savage Wolverine
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After my six-part Captain America: The Chosen and my two-part Spider-Man: Frost, Marvel Comics then asked me to write a single standalone issue for Wolverine. My title was Savage Wolverine: Feral, but the title on the comic book says simply Savage Wolverine (023). The 023 is a number in a series of Wolverine stories.

How thrilling it was to have written for three of the most popular comic-book heroes in the world.

This is the epigraph I wrote for the story:

“Human. Animal. Hunter. Hunted. Since his long-ago mysterious origins, Wolverine has been torn between two violently different worlds, always on the move, pursued as much as searching, never knowing peace or rest.

“Now a savage twist of circumstance drives him back to the primal mountains of his youth, where he once lived as an animal, in a desperate effort to come to terms with his powers. Perhaps at last he’ll understand what or who he truly is—and what it means to be Wolverine.”

Comic books are a collaborative medium. After I delivered my script, Jonathan Marks provided exceptional illustrations, and Jose Villarrubia added startling colors.

The issue was later included in a printed collection of Wolverine stories by myself and four other writers. The title of that collection (available in hardback and trade paperback) is Savage Wolverine: The Best There Is.

Here’s a link to an excellent essay about the story. It includes artwork. (Thanks to Bill Kohlhaase and the Santa Fe New Mexican.)